Connecting people through the power of history and culture
On Saturday, February 1st, Sherburne County Park Director, Gina Hugo, will discuss Cultural Competence Through Park Land Development-Two Inlets at Bdé Heḣáka-Omashkooz Zaaga’igaans Regional Park, at the Sherburne History Center in Becker. The following programs take place on Saturday, February 8th, at the Stearns History Museum in St. Cloud with Professor Ted Gordon and undergraduate research assistant Macy Ellis from CSB/SJU and on Saturday, February 15th, at the Benton County Historical Society in Sauk Rapids with the American Indian Center at SCSU. All programs start at 10:30 am and are free and open to the public.
For more information about the series and the upcoming programs, contact Ann Marie Johnson at the Stearns History Museum (320/253-8424 or